Spartan Mambo Spring 2015 Schedule

Spartan Mambo Spring 2015

Do you want to learn how to salsa dance? Or are you interested in performing on stage? Spartan Mambo is holding our first practice of the semester this upcoming Tuesday, February 10th, 2015 at 8pm in the Event Center.

If you are interested in being a part of the Salsa Club, please stop by on Tuesday for a FREE lesson and an introduction to the club.

This semester we have 3 separate teams that you can be a part of, for dancers of all levels. Here are the details:

Training Team

Level: Beginner
Cost: $100 for the semester
Meeting Times: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 8pm-9:30pm
The Training Team is for anyone who wants to learn how to dance. No previous dance experience necessary, and no partner necessary. Every week we will meet on Tuesday & Thursday nights to learn dancing technique and patterns. This is a progressive series– we will start with the basics and move onto more advanced moves towards the end of the semester.

The Training Team is perfect for you if you don’t want to perform, but just want to learn how to social dance. The first two weeks are free, if you want to come by and check it out to see if it’s a good fit for you. If you join the team, the cost is $100 for the semester. This includes the cost of the team jacket, t-shirt, and our two field trips for the semester.

Performance Team

Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Cost: $160 for the semester
Meeting Times: Saturdays from 10am-11:30am
The Performance Team is for anyone who has ever wanted to perform on stage. Performing is a great way to build your confidence and learn how to work in a team environment. The performance team will learn a Bachata routine and perform it at the 8th Annual College Salsa Congress in LA, as well as other events on campus and around the Bay Area.

There may be an audition to join the performance team, depending on how many people want to join. The cost of the performance team is $160 for the semester, which includes the cost of the costume and hotel & travel expenses for the College Salsa Congress in May. Performance team members may also participate in the Training Team at no additional cost.

Competition Team

Level: Advanced
Cost: $160 for the semester
Meeting Times: Tuesdays at 9:30pm, Thursdays at 9:30pm, Saturdays at 11:30am
The Competition Team is for experienced salsa dancers who are interested in representing the school in competitions. The Competition Team will be competing this semester at the College Salsa Congress, San Francisco Salsa Congress, World Salsa Open and other competitions. We will also be training for the World Latin Dance Cup next semester.

Previous dance experience is required to be a member of the Competition Team. Prospective members will be required to pass an audition before joining the team.

If you have any questions, please shoot us a message at!

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